Apr 12, 2011

Observation: Traveling is "Super"

I've always had this theory that when you travel you become a "Super" version of yourself - Super [Insert Name Here].

You become more open, take more risks and are action-oriented. I also contend its a state of mind. Travel simply provides a blend of dynamics that bring about this spirit. Feeling awe in a foreign environment, distance from the routines of home life and being surrounded by like-minded people whilst having a sense of anonymity.

I found this T-shirt wandering around Roma jumping on random trams, naturally I was drawn to 'San Lorenzo'. I was flattered to find a hood with grafitti, New York style bridge tunnels and kids playing streetball. I hung out with them a bit. I walked into the Quattrodita Comic Shop and was floored to find this Tee.

superman, san lorenzo, shirt
The tee is [Super]modelled by Ilenia. Fellow superfriends, Michele and Luca not pictured - my Italian "Go Team" in Valencia, Spain.

A Polish running-mate met in Bogota, Colombia shared a similar theory using a more direct Superman reference. Superman is average amongst his peers in Krypton but on Earth he is an extraordinary being. That's what we're like when we're abroad.

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