Oct 3, 2013

Ten Minute Cooking School: Churrasco e Caipirinha

Now that I have a camera I've gotten a little lazy with the storytelling.
How to prepare Churrasco and Caipirinha in pictures...

Ten Minute Cooking School: Churrasco e Caipirinha
Improvise with found objects
If all else fails...
use the floor
While waiting you can prepare Caipirinha
 Limão + açúcar + vokda/Cachaça + cubos de gelo
Tossed Squeezed lemon in a cup with sugar, ice cubes and Vodka. Mix to taste
Watch the fire...
and wait till ready
Slice and serve


  1. Very resourceful, and the finish product looks good.. :)

  2. Obrigado Tina. Looks as good as it tastes
