Jul 20, 2012

Transcript: Travelers depression and feeling the pain

Me and JP in Adelaide that one time
Facebook has been a great way to reconnect with people you may have only had a fleeting interaction with. I've have had several conversations lately concerning what constitutes a friend. I'm very liberal with the definition, I try to have meaningful and genuine interactions (hopefully enjoyable too) with everyone I meet. I've always liked the line "A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet", it speaks to a curiosity and openness that appeals to me.
JP was one of my awesome hostel running mates in Adelaide during my YesMan year of 2010. We had an impromptu FB chat reflecting on what it's been like returning to normal life. Felt it was worth sharing:

LOZ: how's normal life // 2yrs of freedom right. or more?
JP: honestly, boring as fuck lol // yeah about 12 days short of 2 years when got back
LOZ: 2 more years than most boring lives
JP: very true
LOZ: boring  //  how do you make it interesting? u around travelers still?
JP: done a year at uni and all the while just been planning more travelling a few, but it was a long process to get back to normal, only now about there went through a bad bit of "travellers depression"
JP: yeah 

Jul 11, 2012

Lomography in Köln, Germany

Lomo photos featured in my 'Memento Year' exhibition
Are you looking for something new to try? Interested in spicing up your sightseeing? Why not give Lomography a shot.

Lomography is lo-fi photography based out of Austria supported by a community of enthusiasts around the world. I found LOMO posters around the art district in Porto and shopfronts in Germany. 

I signed up for an introductory lesson from the LOMO store by Ehrenstraße then created a Couchsurfing event inviting people to join. I encouraged my current and previous CS host as well as a German friend I'd unexpectedly reconnected with to take the workshop and walking tour. It was a novel way of seeing the city, spend time with friends whilst making new ones along the way.

Chillin at Die Wohngemeinschaft (Share House) Bar
Afterwards we enjoyed gourmet burgers at Hans im Glück and cool drinks at Die Wohngemeinschaft. We were invited to a CSer's loft for a modern German Christmas experience. We baked customised apples, internet-streamed Christmas songs and sampled the imported winning Christmas cake from our host's Bavarian hometown. One of the many memorable days I had in Cologne, Germany.

This was the camera loaned to me for the LOMO tour.
Not a high end one but more than makes up for it in Style points.

Jul 1, 2012

Guest posting on 'Nomadic Samuel' - The many faces of the South of Spain, Andalucia

Rockabilly in Sevilla -  Subcultures in the South of Spain
Thank you 'Nomadic Samuel' for hosting my Guest post on your brilliant blog. The post features pictures that capture the different cultural faces found in Andalucia. Samuel has a popular blog that incredibly just celebrated its 1st birthday. He also recently launched a new venture 'Backpacking Travel Blog' with fellow blogger and girlfriend Audrey of 'That Backpacker'.

NomadicSamuel.com - Andalucia in Spain
Find more Spain photo posts here:
- Spotted: Photos from Sevilla and Córdoba - The first 48.
- Me and my Girlfriend: Riding high in Andalucia (1 of 3)
- The kids are alright: Subculture in the South of Spain
- Camera games: The Corner collection in Spain

Read more posts on Spain below:
- Mixtape: 'Loz in Translation' Sampler (Spain)
- On Top of: Lloret Del Mar - No Spain, No Gain
- On Top of: Puerta Monaita - Hang Granada

Find my other Guest Posts:
- Nod n Smile: Things that make you go hmm in Portugal
- The Facial: Finding Basketball around Europe
- Couple of Sports: How I won personalised sneakers in Lisbon, Portugal
- Nomadic Samuel: The many faces of the South of Spain, Andalucia

Memento Spotlight: Conversation doodles from Firenze, Italy

A Memento Year Exhibition - 'Anatomy of a Conversation'
Over Christmas in Hamburg I had the pleasure of presenting an exhibition at the art gallery I was sleeping at. I had met a German artist earlier that year in Venice, he extended an invitation for me to crash at his artist commune and put on a show. I took him up on the offer 10 months later and presented all I could, the artefacts and memories I'd accumulated on my trip. These spotlights will showcase those mementos and detail the stories behind them.

Detail scan - 19/02/2011
Day 22: Firenze, Italy
I only stayed 2 days in Florence, Italy. It was early into my year abroad and I was still developing my style of travel. At this stage I was traveling quickly and hadn't yet decided on staying a month in each country. I had also organised some hostel work for my return to Venezia the following week for Carnevale so I was on a tight schedule.