Sep 21, 2010

Home Movies: 'Before Sunrise' - "I've never been anywhere" quote

Jesse: I know what you mean about wishing somebody wasn't there, though. It's just usually it's myself that I wish I could get away from. Seriously, think about this. I have never been anywhere that I haven't been. I've never had a kiss when I wasn't one of the kissers. Y'know, I've never, um, gone to the movies, when I wasn't there in the audience. I've never been out bowling, if I wasn't there, y'know making some stupid joke. I think that's why so many people hate themselves. Seriously, it's just they are sick to death of being around themselves.
I'd be lying if I told you this wasn't the main driver for wanting to 'Ego Trip'

VIDEO: Before Sunrise - Original Trailer

Starring: Ethan Hawke,Julie Delpy. Directed by Richard Linklater
Jesse: Let's say that you and I were together all the time, then you'd start to hate a lot of my mannerisms. The way every time we would have people over, uh, I'd be insecure, and I'd get a little too drunk. Or, uh, the way I'd tell the same stupid pseudo-intellectual story again, and again. Y'see, I've heard all those stories. So of course I'm sick of myself. But being with you, uh, it's made me feel like I'm somebody else.

The swimming mission

Went to the pool two weeks ago and did 20 laps (25m). It was arguably more laps than I've swum my whole life combined. Today I set an arbitrary goal of reaching 30 laps within an hour.

Had 4 laps to go with 6min left and pictured this whilst completing my mission

Sep 15, 2010

Smart Goals can help you achieve your goals

You guys know what Facebook is right?

Here is a nice app that I would recommend for those interested in Goal setting. It helps you put your social network to good use, by getting them to hold you accountable for your goals.

Find the site at and you can find a SmartGoals review here.

Let me know how the app goes for you.

Sep 12, 2010

Home Reads: 'The Artist in the Office' by Summer Pierre

Found this at Kinokuniya. My Birthday's coming up.
The Artist in the Office
From the introduction:
Day after day, this is how it goes: We get up, we get ready, and we go to work. We don’t ask why, we just do it. Then we spend our time at work in a sort of conscious slumber—we lose days to activities that sometimes don’t have meaning to us. Suddenly, we awaken and realize 8 hours or 5 days or whatever time is gone, and we can’t account for it. As a society we somehow accept that the majority of how we spend our lives will be like this. We save our living for after 5:00pm and weekends or holidays. We save our REAL selves for the cracks and corners of our off time. We think we have to do this in order to survive, but what do we do to actually LIVE?

This little book isn’t about not working, it’s about acknowledging the work we do. It’s about waking up in the life we inhabit NOW instead of putting off life for LATER. Inside you will find new ways to look at your job and daily life so that you can live more of what you want and less of what you don’t. We will also explore how to stay creative and motivated during any given workday (including things to do while you are at work), and how to focus and get your creative work done while keeping a job as well as your sanity. And just because it’s the elephant in the living room, we will also explore the exiting world of money, ideas for changing your job, and so much more! The Artist In the Office can help you THRIVE both at your creative work and at your day job. It may seem like you are living two lives, but I assure you: It is one life only—and it’s yours. Why not enjoy it all?

Sep 10, 2010

Sydney Underground Film Festival: Trash Humpers (The new film by Harmony Korine)

VIDEO: Trash Humpers (The new film by Harmony Korine)

Watched Harmony Korine's latest typically bizarre film at the 'Sydney Underground Film Festival'. Didn't really enjoy it because I didn't know what I was suppose to take away from it. Kept on waiting for it to make a point. Then it came to me. Relevant to what I'm going through right now.

"Randomness for the sake of randomness is numbing".

Sep 6, 2010

Philosophical Quotes as curated by my Parkour buddy

I recently reconnected with a good friend I hadn't seen since Uni days, a good 7 years ago. We bumped into each other at Parkour, its seemingly no accident that we've crossed each others paths because we might be on the same journey.

Quotes from my friend's Facecrack:
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

"Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."
- John Maxwell

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
- Walt Emerson

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
-Charles Darwin

"Revenge is a poison meant for others that we end up swallowing ourselves. "

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
-Bruce Lee

Sep 2, 2010

Amazing Race Australia, who else is applying?

Who's applying for Amazing Race Australia. Just found out about it with only a few days to go before deadline.

The Amazing Race Australia Coming to Seven. Auditions Open.

Who wants to share application stories?

First thing that comes to mind, is that it would almost be futile to not come in with a striking angle. I would imagine the pool for the generic combinations would be ultra competitive:
Best friends, bf/gf, dad/gay son, gay lovers, mother/daugther, long distance relationship etc...

Sep 1, 2010

Opening night Film and Havana Club Fiesta done solo

Went to this...
Expect a night to remember at this year’s Sydney Latin American Film Festival Opening Night as we present Argentine hit A Matter of Principles. Join us at 6.30pm in the Dendy forecourt for tango, before the film’s director Rodrigo Grande introduces his hit film. A Q&A with the Director will follow the film.

The Havana Club Opening Night Fiesta is just a short stroll to Vivaz Nightclub where the energetic Watussi will rock your socks off. Enjoy a swathe of complimentary drinks from our sponsors Havana Club, Corona, Sauza and Argento Fine Wines.
Money quote: "Independence and loneliness are both sides of the same coin"